Mosel Royer

Mosel is the co-founder and visionary behind BLAZE. She has been through a lot and has been healed of a lot, so Mosel has a huge heart to see women healed and released to become all that they are meant to be. She has been in some form of leadership for almost all of her adult life including being a youth leader, an elder, a worship leader, a worship director, a small group leader, and Lead Elder. All of that leadership has led to a love of encouraging other women in their leadership giftings. Currently, Mosel’s leadership roles include leading a house church that meets in her home, giving oversight to the leaders of another house church, along with her leadership responsibilities with BLAZE. Mosel has been married to her husband, Rodney, for 24 years, and they have 3 amazing young adult children. To unwind, Mosel enjoys all things music (singing karaoke, dancing, going out to listen to live music, writing songs, etc). She also LOVES all things Disney and makes the trip to the most Magical Place on Earth once or twice a year. Speaking of trips, travel, is another one of Mosel’s passions. She and Rodney love to travel the world together.

Nicole Harris

Nicole is the other co-founder of BLAZE and a beloved daughter of the King. Born and raised in Reading Pa., being blessed with praying grandmother’s who always made God known she navigated the ups and downs of life believing for more and by His grace in 2013, Nicole was invited by a friend to a midweek prayer night at a lil church called The Place. It was there that God heard her heart and called her name and she has been following The Lord faithfully ever since.  At The Place church for seven years where she was discipled, Nicole was a dedicated member and leader on the Worship team. Her heart has always been turned towards women, knowing the struggles and success we go through on a daily basis….So when God made way for her to serve in that way she did just that, first as a team member, then secretary and by Gods hand of promotion head of Daughters of Zion, Women’s Ministry  where she organized events, led bible studies and ministered to the women of the congregation. Currently Nicole is active in leadership and service at LifeChurch Reading where she is co-leads Sisterhood Women’s ministry,  and is an active member of the worship team. She also supports and serves at Ashes to Beauty Ministry of Reading. Nicole is a single mother of two sons, 23 and 15. She is a worshipper at heart and a praiser by nature and is known to bring laughter and grace to every conversation.

Jazmine Royer

Jazmine is a young adult who has grown up in a home where having a heart for people is celebrated. She is honored to partner with her mom and have the opportunity to raise up and encourage women in leadership. Jazmine has a big heart for teen girls and mentorship opportunities. Jazmine has been apart of leading bible studies and even lead her youth group for a season. She looks forward to grow in her leadership gifting’s and help others on their own journey too. Coffee, books, Disney, music, and the outdoors are a few things that she can talk about for hours. Jazmine is really excited to see all the things God is going to do through BLAZE and is honored to be a part of it from the beginning. 

Rebekah(Becky) Hamilton

Rebekah’s passion and area of focus is emotionally healthy leadership–teaching and learning to walk out the practical’s of what this looks like. She grew up in the Church and it was within church communities where she learned the importance of spiritual health and began to build a foundation in this area. In recent years, she has gained a deep value for emotional health and the importance of connecting this to spiritual health. She has spent years leading small groups and mentoring individuals within church and small non-profit settings. Her focus and passion in this has always been to help empower and encourage the people she leads and serves in order that they may heal and thrive in all areas of health. Within the past few years, she has been learning how to grow in her own personal emotional health in a more in-depth way and has begun to lead her peers in understanding this process as well. Her continually growing relationship with Father God and background in mothering and mentoring young women in crisis has positioned her to pursue emotionally healthy leadership with a particular focus on the powerful roles that nurture and compassion play in calling others into their destinies and the fullness of their identities. 

Megan Barnett

After serving for 10 years as the associate pastor at a church in York, PA, Megan knows something about the isolation women can face in ministry.  She also has seen first hand the benefit of women supporting each other and bearing one another’s burdens.  Megan has a Master’s degree in Theology and Ministry and loves to use her experience and wisdom to help those in the Church step into the calling God has placed on their lives.  Currently, Megan works at HOPE International, a Christian non-profit that is working to eliminate extreme poverty.  She lives in Lancaster, PA with her husband David and their robot vacuum, Sebastian

Jen Vazquez

Jennifer has been a supporter of BLAZE since its inception. While there was much hurt and trauma in her early years, God has brought an incredible amount of healing and restoration in every area that the enemy tried to destroy, and she desires to see other women brought to complete freedom and wholeness in Christ. As a woman who spent several years in a denomination that did not encourage women in leadership, while knowing that she was gifted in that area, she longs to see everyone, male or female, walk in the giftings that God has given them, regardless of their gender. She has been married to Jayme for 17 years and has three beautiful children. She has been in church leadership since 2020 as the Worship Director at Newport Church and as a worship leader and small group leader for many years before that. She is also a vocal coach and loves seeing vocalist reach their full, God given potential. Activities that bring joy and rest are all things music related. She also loves expressing herself through prophetic artwork as well as painting landscapes, stills and portraits. She has a heart for the nations and has endeavored to expose her children to overseas missions and differing cultures through travel and serving in difficult places.

Jenny Martinez

Jenny is honored to be a part of the BLAZE team.  She has a heart to see women raised up and confident to fulfill the call of God on their lives and move freely in the giftings He has bestowed. Jenny felt a call to ministry in her teen years and has had a variety of experiences in ministry such as worship leading, youth pastoring, pastoring a house church and more recently, developing and overseeing a network of house churches. Jenny has been married to her husband, Joey, for 20 years and they have 5 children ranging from 11-19 years old. They have recently released their oldest, Isaiah, to follow the call of God on his life to do missions in Norway.  Jenny currently homeschools the 3 youngest. Currently, they pastor a house church together, as well as oversee a network of house churches that are interconnected. They are also still heavily involved in youth ministry.  In her down time, Jenny enjoys baking and doing anything arts and crafts. She enjoys reading a good book, fancy coffee and time with friends. If she could live at the beach, she would. She anticipates lots of traveling in her future as she and her husband still have a heart for missions and hope to go to advance the Kingdom wherever He calls.

Morgan Kreider

Morgan was raised in a Christian household. Originally she went to Dove Elizabeth town with her family, and now she attends Dove Westgate. Throughout high school Morgan participated in Evangelistic Missions Training (EMT) and winter retreats. These events were filled with times of worship and prayer that changed her view of the Lord and grew her relationship with Him. During high school, Morgan was privileged to take over and lead a group called Underrated Ministries, that was a group led by high schoolers for high schoolers. She graduated from Manheim Central school district in 2023 and currently works at Refreshing Mountain as a zip line guide and the atmosphere is so much more life-giving than anywhere else she has worked. Morgan enjoys joining her coworkers and friends throughout the week for Bible studies and worship nights. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, painting, and outdoor activities like spikeball and hiking. Morgan is honored to be a part of the BLAZE, and she is excited to see what the Lord has for this group and the women involved. 

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